So this week not as much stuff really happened we got Dorian all ready for baptism and Philippe our other ami who has some social anxiety issues and we're all ready to get them going but then Dorian has decided to wait until his wife is ready as well which is a good idea, but we aren't really sure how long it will take to get her ready forbaptism and make sure she understands everything seeing as she only speaks a little French and no English. So we had to move his and Philippe doesn't want to do it alone being the only one so we are waiting for both of them. So I might not end up seeing either.
So today we met a guy and he just told us that we don't know what happiness is and that we should just do whatever we want. We have those conversations a lot actually. We saw one of our less actives at a bar right by our house smoking and with a beer and then he called us over to talk so I guess that was a little weird cause I was on an exchange with our district leader and our less active was just like talking about n'importe quoi. But aside from that we usually talk to some cool people but they usually are busy or are just nice people and don't want to learn more. But yeah that's why member are so important here cause then people know we are normal people too but they always just think we are Jehovah witnesses and won't talk to us because of that reason alone.
So as for miracles we had one with Berths so she is a very active catholic member but also comes to our church. But she believes in the trinity and all that so we talked about that and it almost turned more into an argument than a discussion or lesson but we testified at the end and gave her some scriptures to read out of D&C and she came to church on Sunday and told us that she prayed about
it and knew that what we said is true and that she received a spiritual confirmation of the things which we had discussed that day. So it was actually really cool to see that intellectual stuff is
important but spiritual knowledge is even that much more important. We can't know everything but God does and he has given us what we need to know and gives a way to find out answers to things that we don't know yet.
So the things I have learned here in Marseille.... I am not sure I guess my French has gotten better and I have actually some scripture references memorized so I can tell people where to find answers and also being able to tie things back to the gospel principles that we believe in our church. I am not positive it is hard to evaluate your own progression sometimes. Yeah I was positive that this day wouldn't ever come when my birthday was close. It feels like I just turned 18 but now I will be a year older and hopefully wiser. But ha never know.
So what happened with the lacrosse national championship? Josh is one of my favorite cousins out of the 120 that I have haha. I still talk to my close friends from Olympus but for the most part everyone is off in their own missions doing their own things so I try not to bother them too much. Haha and btw we got iPads here in our mission! Oh and this week is the last week of the transfer so I will know on Friday if I stay or if I go. 😁 love you all!
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