June 1:
So this week not as much stuff really happened. We got Dorian all ready for baptism and Philippe our other ami who has some social anxiety issues and we're all ready to get them going but then Dorian has decided to wait until his wife is ready as well which is a good idea but we aren't really sure how long it will take to get her ready for baptism and make sure she understands everything seeing as she only speaks a little French and no English. So we had to move his and Philippe doesn't want to do it alone being the only one so we are waiting for both of them. So I might not end up seeing either.
Josh is one of my favorite cousins out of the 120 that I have haha. So today we met a guy and he just told us that we don't know what happiness is and that we should just do whatever we want. We have those conversations a lot actually. We saw one of our less actives at a bar right by our house smoking and with a beer and then he called us over to talk so I guess that was a little weird cause I was on an exchange with our district leader and our less active was just like talking about n'importe quoi. But aside from that we usually talk to some cool people but they usually are busy or are just nice people and don't want to learn more. But yeah that's why members are so important here cause then people know we are normal people too but they always just think we are Jehovah witnesses and won't talk to us because of that reason alone. So as for miracles we had one with Berths so she is a very active Catholic member but also comes to our church. But she believes in the Trinity and all that so we talked about that and it almost turned more into an argument than a discussion or lesson but we
testified at the end and gave her some scriptures to read out of D&C and she came to church on Sunday and told us that she prayed about it and knew that what we said is true and that she received a
spiritual confirmation of the things which we had discussed that day. So it was actually really cool to see that intellectual stuff is important but spiritual knowledge is even that much more important. We
can't know everything but God does and he has given us what we need to know and gives a way to find out answers to things that we don't know yet.
Yeah I still talk to my close friends from Olympus but for the most part everyone is off in their own missions doing their own things so I try not to bother them too much. Haha and btw we got iPads here in our mission! Oh and this week is the last week of the transfer so I will know on Friday if I stay or if I go. 😁 love you all!
June 8:
So I am actually staying and Elder Spencer is moving to higher ground in Chambery in the Alps so I get to experience the nice HOT weather here in Marseille. But I am receiving a Tahitian companion
named Elder Tihopu who I haven't met yet but I will keep you updated. And as for the baptisms it should all be happening the 4th of July so that week will be pretty crazy probably. President Brown, my birthday and the fourth with baptisms. But yeah they are all progressing well so I don't see any issues in the near future.
June 15:
The best place I have been here in Marseille isn't even in Marseille haha it is in an outer ville called Gémanos it is where Frere Faudin lives and it is really calm and tranquille, it is about 30 minutes
from Marseille, but aside from that there are cool views everywhere! And my favorite place I have been is on a boat Haha. I love boats so much I think it is in my blood now, I have discovered this love only after it has been so suddenly and abruptly taken from my rights... Being a Schettler makes it hard to stay away from boats.
So Dorian and Maria have set that as their date and we actually have a new ami that has been doing his own research already and showed up and said he thinks we are the true church already and stuff he is really smart his name is Pierre so him as well and also Philippe and we are gonna try
to get Berthe to accept a date of baptism soon, so we will see with her. But the rest are going well they are progressing. We have the right to Skype teach now so we will be doing that this week!
We ate at a members house this week and they are from Madagascar and so we ate fish stuff and it was really interesting but it was good, I'm not a huge fish fan but it is always good when people make the food so I don't. But being with Elder Tihopu is hard cause he eats a lot haha
but aside from that he is the coolest guy I have met, he speaks French as a first language so that helps me A TON just cause he actually knows the rules and it just the English translations which sometimes don't make sense haha and he is such a loving guy, we are gonna have a really fun transfer even though it is really really hot. He has been out for about. A year and a half so he is going home in about 5 months so I'm still cruisin under the radar haha. But no he has been zone leader for a while and president said he had a hard time with his last companion and he needed someone to bring him back and make him happy so I guess that is my job here in Marseille as well as to profit a little bit fro. The sun and the baptisms we should be having. But yeah tell Ashley I say hi! And if she doesn't remember me then oh well, but she is the one one from that group besides Josh that I know so yeah. I
hope everyone there is doing good and doesn't die on the blob this year... Oh and could you send me the videos of the blob or maybe some of the go pro videos we took in years past or just lake Powell pictures. I need to show people how cool my family is.
I took my gas money for lake Powell and bought myself an early
birthday gift. If you 4 transfers in Marseille you have to buy some OM
stuff. It's like required.
June 22:
So today we went to the Callanques with a youth in the ward named Alexandre he is 15 and really cool, but it was a little bit tough to completely enjoy seeing as I have randomly fallen sick, which never happens to me but I guess it decided to hit me just when it gets really hot so I am double hot haha but it's ok I actually threw up out of our 5th floor window and it was kinda cool frankly. I couldn't get to anywhere else so I just did it there.
How many Amis in the past month?... There are a couple that we have found most of them we haven't
continued to teach they are like one lessons and then they tell us they will call back if they want to meet again but we have had other miracles like the one with Pierre I think I told you. And personal
study I still and ready the Book of Mormon and really getting more familiar with the stories rather than just with cool scriptures, but actually looking at the people who are writing and circumstances and all of that type of stuff. So I can really share bigger experiences like that cause teaching through stories is the best way to teach.
Pierre was the one who someone gave him the card then the same day he just showed up and everything and now we are gonna baptize him in a couple weeks, but philippe is the one who was an ancient ami and we called him one day and he was super happy to hear from us.
June 29th:
Birthday week...Yeah it seems like this day wouldn't ever be here it may be the only one I have on my mission too depending on how the transfers and everything happens next year! So I will need to make it remember able! But I think I won't have any baptisms this week which is took about,
but the next week we will be having one for sure! But we will be meeting our new mission president next week! I am sad to hear about Arch Frantz but glad to hear he has passed on to the next step
of his eternal progression. Death isn't anything to look at as a bad or a sad thing in entirety, it is sad and sometimes hurtful but it's a step, just like being born but it opens the door to so much more in
the life to come. It is a beautiful thing if we look at it as a whole. I had always noticed his efforts to ask me how I was and actually interested in my day to day life, even though I was just that annoying
kid up the street who drives fast. Haha but pass my regards to everyone in his family.
Our schedule this week should be busy cause we are always busy! Haha being the only ones in the biggest city in our mission means we are usually pretty busy but Thursday (July 2, 19th Birthday) we may take a little more time to eat at a fancy restaurant that costs more than 5 euros haha cause I haven't even done that once on my mission besides Hard Rock Cafe but yeah. We aren't traveling any this week, just the metro and buses like normal it has become part of my life now. I have been in the cities my whole mission so it's second nature sorta.
President Roney has established a community of love in our mission, everything is about love everything comes from love and that is one thing I am always gonna remember about him. Ask anyone and that is exactly what they will tell you about him, so I am gonna try and carry that even with Pres Brown, and I am gonna try and love him even though he is new and will take some getting used too. Me and elder TIHOPU are getting along great he is super nice and loving! I love Tahitians haha they are super super nice, we can go visit him too... In Tahiti so that's a huge plus! Thanks for the birthdays wishes! Love you all!
Here is Elder Schettler's address in Marseille, use as written below!
Les Missionnaires
Benjamin Schettler
30 Avenue de Toulon
Email: benjamin.schettler@myldsmail.net
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